3 years ago

Top 8 Ways You Can Help Your Children Succeed At School

Help, But In The Right Way!
learning self-development

By Admin

You as a parent are your child’s significant other beside the instructor. Children perform better and have better attitudes about going to school when their parents and families are active in their children's schools.

Each child seems to have the potential to prosper in the academy and in life, and every parent, friend or relative, and caretaker can help them.

Many parents wonder what they can do to aid their kids make the grade educationally. Knowing how much help to give is a difficult balance that varies depending on your child's age and attitude.

Too much assistance may lead to you taking over or performing the task for them, while too little assistance may leave them floundering, irritated, or overwhelmed.

We at Parhai Likhai recommend children and parents to engage constructively, with each other and start this journey of learning without compromising on quality education.

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Meeting Your Child’s Teacher

To know your child’s teacher personally can be great, as teachers can be as good as the school can, but if you happen to have a bond with the teacher, the teacher is naturally going to extend consideration to your kid in all matters.

Make it clear to the instructor that you wish to assist your child in learning. Talking with your child's teacher can help you create a strong relationship with your child's teacher.

Moreover, you be a little more active in the PTM organized by the school. Most of these are conducted one time or occasionally a year, around the time of the annual report card.

These conferences are an opportunity for you to begin or continue talks with your child's teacher, as well as discuss ways for helping your kid succeed in class.

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Be Regular in Your Endeavors

To keep up with a face-paced curriculum, a teacher has to continue moving forward with their class regardless of who’s absent. Every class builds on the previous, so if your child misses one lesson it creates a gap in their learning.

Kids may perceive disoriented when they come back to the academy.

When absences occur, please make sure you ask for any homework given and ensure your child completes it, before returning to school.

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Encourage Reading

Good reading habits are essential for scholastic performance. Read with your child. Motivate children to read through their own as kids become older, and always strive to set a good example by reading in their presence.

Make reading a fun thing you do together.

The importance of reading cannot be overstated. Reading is beneficial to pupils in all middle institution classes. It is, after all, the key to everlasting learning. Make sure your home has been well with age-appropriate reading items for your child.

At ParhaiLikhai, we ensure that tutors are trained to cater the subtle needs of individual child so that they fully actualize on their talents and targets.

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Your child’s self–esteem is important to their success, so praise them when they’re doing well and give them encouragement when they need it.

They need to believe they’re succeeding and can succeed and this depends largely on what you say to them.

Explain to them early on that everyone has various abilities and that not everyone is eligible for a prize.

Modern parents have a tendency to lavish praise on their children, which can cause issues when they realize they aren't as 'smart' or 'wonderful' as they believed.

Also Read: Building Self-Esteem: Advices and Methods!

Avoid Multitasking

Some pupils believe they can follow the teacher and take notes at the same time or do their homework and watch TV! This approach does not work. Logically pupils can only give their full attention to one thing or the other.

Encourage healthy habits in your youngster by making him or her focus on one item at a time. Having a lot of screens open and notifications streaming in makes youngsters feel active and stimulated, especially if they are bored and confined at home.

They get fatigued and inattentive as a result of it. Multitasking, above all, makes learning inefficient.

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Talk Frequently

It's typically simple to discuss what's going on in class and the newest school news with primary pupils. You're probably aware of the textbooks your kid is studying and the arithmetic problems they're working on.

However, parents sometimes become preoccupied and neglect to ask simple questions, which can have an impact on their children's academic progress.

Make time to communicate with your child every day so that he or she understands how important what happens at school is to you. When children see that their parents are concerned about their academic progress, they are more likely to take school seriously as well.

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Set Right your Expectations

Expecting your child to achieve is maybe the most crucial method you can support his efforts at school. That does not imply that you expect him to be the finest student, athlete, or artist.

Instead, tell him you expect him to do "his best" so he may be proud of what he can do.

If you set a clear expectation and create a learning-friendly environment at home, your child will have a better chance of being the greatest student he can be.

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Demonstrate A Positive Attitude About Education to your Children

What we say and do in our daily lives may help kids establish favorable attitudes about school and learning, as well as confidence in their own abilities as students.

Showing our children how much we value education and how we utilize it in our everyday life sets a powerful example for them and helps them succeed in school.

Furthermore, by demonstrating an interest in their children's education, parents and families may arouse their excitement and bring them to a crucial realization: studying can be both pleasurable and gratifying, and it is well worth the work necessary.

Also Read: How to Know What Your Child is Capable of?

At Parhai Likhai, we aim to connect you with verified and talented educators and consultants. We aspire to create a competent and fair market for educators to interact with learners and have easy access to matters pertaining to education under a competent and streamlined supervision.


To put it simply, your child is as good in school, as the support system around your child is. So if you happen to be a resourceful guardian in the house, then do not hesitate to extend those privileges to the under-studying child. However, do not over simplify things for children, at the end of the day, they will be on your own when life takes a curvy turn.

Hiring a tutor is advisable but not necessary, as it is a supportive way to help excel your child in academics. At the end of the day it is the responsibility of the child and parents/ guardians to track the performance and progress along with the school faculty. However, it is the need of the hour to make things easy for your child.

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